Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage  Pregnancy Massage is a form of massage designed specifically for pregnant women that can be performed at any point in their pregnancy. Massage during pregnancy increases blood and lymph circulation, thereby relieving swelling in the legs and hands. It alleviates strain on weight-bearing joints and myofascial structures to provide relief from muscle spasms […]

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When looking at the spine on one’s back, you will see that it runs straight down the middle. Due to scoliosis, the spine will not be straight, as the backbone will curve either to the left or the right. The cause of most scoliosis is almost unknown; however, it most often occurs during a growth […]

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Gardening and Back pain

Gardening is a favorite activity enjoyed by many and as the growing season progresses so doesback trouble. Working outdoors in the garden or those who are landscapers often experienceback issues from time-to-time and this is (usually) treated quite easily.Tips for managing lower back pain when gardening: Do Before Gardening Back Stretches Do not garden for […]

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How often should one get a massage?

How often should one get a massage?How often you should get a massage depends on several factors, including your physical andemotional needs; your stress levels; and your budget.  You will definitely experience themost health benefits from massage when you get massage regularly.  Massage calms the nervoussystem, improves blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, relieves muscle pain, and helpswith pain management […]

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Tens Machine

TENS Unit machine- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator are used to treat nerve conditionsassociated with acute and chronic conditions. By stimulating other parts of your brain, this systemprevents the pain signals that you might experience from reaching your brain, thus masking chronicpain. Your body will then produce a greater number of “endorphins” in response to the […]

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What is chronic pain?

What is Chronic Pain?  Chronic pain is pain that persists over time, often for months or even longer, and typically results from longstanding medical conditions of damage to the body. Your body will continue to hurt for weeks, months, or even years after the injury. Chronic pain can affect your day-to-day life as well as […]

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Spinal Injury

The spinal cord is very sensitive to injury and is one of the most devastating injuries out there. Spinal injuries occur when there is damage to the spinal cord either from trauma, loss of its regular blood supply, or compression from tumor or infection. Symptoms of a spinal injury can vary depending on the severity […]

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Stress fracture

A stress fracture is a crack in a bone, that is caused by repetitive force, often from overuse. Activities that require running and jumping may cause fractures in the legs or feet. Many different sports increase the risk of stress fracture, as it is a common injury in high impact sports such as long-distance running […]

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Custom orthotics in markham A custom orthotic is a device planned to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They look like insoles but are biomechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. Custom orthotics It works on your feet much like glasses work on your […]

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Massage Therapy

Massage therapy

Massage therapy in Markham At Caspian Rehab we offer Massage therapy services. Massage therapy offers a normal traditional treatment method that relieves musculoskeletal pain for many patients. Our office provides specific massage and muscular therapy that is personalized to meet the patient’s condition and injury. The benefits of massage therapy may include increasing blood circulation, reducing swelling, relaxing muscles, relieving […]

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